EBRD Sustainability Report 2017

Our Sustainability Report explores the many ways we create impact. This report contains data on health and safety, greenhouse gases, and various other aspects of our project monitoring.
At the EBRD, we pride ourselves on measuring and reporting on our impact transparently and in an accountable way.
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Highlights of 2017

Find out how our 2017 projects have boosted the green economy, used resources and energy more efficiently and made a real difference to the daily lives of millions of people across three continents.
2017 was a record-breaking year for the EBRD in many respects – and in terms of sustainability, we demonstrated once more that we have a key role to play in helping countries confront common challenges.
Find out about the highlights of our work in:
Our sustainability approach

Environmentally sound and sustainable development is central to the EBRD’s mandate. We promote it throughout our activities and have made it a core element of our work.
Our approach to sustainability is multifaceted and involves:
• incorporating environmental and social requirements
• providing finance and technical assistance through our GET approach
• promoting gender equality, economic inclusion and access to community services
• encouraging public participation, and maintaining regular strategic dialogue.

Green Economy Transition
Launched at the end of 2015, The Green Economy Transition approach builds on a decade of successful climate and resource efficiency investments by the Bank.

Economic inclusion
In 2017 we launched our new Economic Inclusion Strategy and we are strengthening our private sector-focused approach to promote a greater economic integration of women, youth and people living in less-developed areas.

Knowledge-sharing and innovation
We increased our engagement with relevant stakeholders and partners in climate finance in 2017. The EBRD continues to influence and lead in this area, creating blueprints for other stakeholders to follow. Find out about some of the key initiatives we led last year.

Green Cities
Many cities face significant environmental challenges – poor air, traffic congestion, limited land, resource pressure and climate change – and so greater investment is key. Our Green Cities Framework (GrCF) builds on our experience of investing in municipal and environmental infrastructure.

Gender equality
Addressing inequality of all kinds is a vital part of sustainable growth. We promote gender equality through our investments – whether it’s to engage with our clients to improve equal opportunities for all or with our Women in Business programme.

Tracking and transparency
We have been tracking our climate and resource efficiency investments since 2006. We continue to assess and set relevant key performance indicators at the outset of projects and employ a robust monitoring system throughout the project cycle to ensure compliance and best use of resources, and enhance accountability.

Civil society
We proactively engage with CSOs across the regions where we invest. This helps us ensure our projects take the needs and concerns of local communities into account, ultimately contributing to the delivery of better projects and policies in transition countries. Our engagement with CSOs also enhances our own accountability and transparency.

Environmental Sustainability Bonds
The projects financed by our Environmental Sustainability Bond Programme (ESBP) achieve specific and meaningful environmental benefits and, collectively, comprise our Green Project Portfolio (GPP). The GPP ensures that the proceeds of our Green Bonds are immediately directed towards projects with positive environmental impacts.

Health and safety
We work with businesses and communities across the EBRD region to minimise any risks associated with our projects, to improve safety standards and raise awareness. Our involvement in various activities and awareness-raising events has helped to influence policy and standards in many of our countries.
The EBRD and the Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reflect a shared global vision of progress to transform societies and economies into a safe, equitable and sustainable future. This is in line with the EBRD’s work to bring positive change in people’s lives throughout the economies where we invest.
Of the 17 SDGs, our projects support these ones in particular:

SDG5: Achieve gender equality
We support the creation of economic opportunities specifically targeting women, improving their access to finance and services, and enhancing the quality of, and opportunities within, employment. Our Strategy for the Promotion of Gender Equality commits to “mainstreaming” gender into the Bank’s operations by 2020.
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SDG6: Clean water and sanitation
When we upgrade water infrastructure in a country we help to provide large numbers of people with safe drinking water and sanitation. We have supported countless water and wastewater modernisation projects across the economies where we invest.
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SDG7: Access to affordable and clean energy
We offer Green Economy Financing Facilities (GEFFs) to finance much-needed energy efficiency upgrades in homes and businesses across our regions. This enables access to clean and low-cost energy and so drives development and economic growth.
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SDG8: Sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth
We blend our investments with technical assistance and policy dialogue to improve the business environment and attract private sector investors. Our strong support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises supports job creation and opportunities for under-served sections of the population.
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SDG9: Build resilient infrastructure with increased resource use efficiency, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation
Many of our countries of operations have ageing, inefficient infrastructure and facilities. We support projects focused on climate adaptation to help them invest in measures and technologies to improve their resilience.
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SDG10: Reduce inequality
We believe in building more inclusive
economies where everyone reaps the benefits. This is demonstrated in our Strategy for the Promotion of Gender Equality (2016-20) and Economic Inclusion Strategy (2017-21).
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SDG11: Sustainable cities and communities
The EBRD has developed the Green Cities Programme, representing over €700 million and 800,000 tonnes of CO2 mitigated annually and multiple local environmental benefits.
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SDG12: Promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns
In 2015, we declared our intention to devote 40 per cent of our Annual Bank Investment (ABI) to green finance by 2020. We achieved this milestone in 2017 — three years ahead of schedule. Nearly 70 per cent of our green portfolio is in energy efficiency, promoting more sustainable consumption and production.
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SDG13: Combating climate change
More than €500 million in climate adaptation finance has been channelled into climate resilience upgrades of municipal infrastructure since 2011. We also finance climate resilience investments in the power, transport and agribusiness sectors.
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